Friday, April 4, 2008

Drowning in Plarail

Hi Folks!

Our first of hopefully many shipments to come just arrived yesterday afternoon and we are ecstatic. The last time we've seen so much Plarail all at once was-- actually, I can't even remember! We're drowning in the stuff now, with TOMY boxes full of Plarail piled high!

Of course, we had to "sample" a few for ourselves to verify quality and I can safely say, the stuff is EXCELLENT. We can't wait to get this stuff moving and into your hands. The store web page is coming along nicely and we hope to have most functionality up within a couple weeks. In the meantime, we're also looking at the possibility of selling on EBAY to get our name out there and spread the fun around to everyone who loves Plarail as much as we do.

One more thing of note-- we will be donating a preconfigured set to the silent auction at the 2008 Iolani School Fair on April 18 and 19. We'll have pictures of the layout that we're donating and it will contain multiple unopened packs of rail as well as a single battery powered train. Stay Tuned!

Namikaze Toys Staff

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