Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Your Creations - Now Open!

A few of you may have seen our store homepage and wondered what the 'Your Creations' section (Orange Tab) at the bottom was. Until how it has been simply listed as Under Construction but it was always intended to be a gallery of user-submitted PLARAIL layouts and designs. I am pleased to announce that the section is now tentatively open for any submissions from our readers, customers and anyone else who wants to showcase their PLARAIL layout online. It still needs more tweaking, but once we get more pictures up, we hope that it will grow into a nice display of what PLARAIL is capable of.

We'll take submissions of all your designs no matter how intricate or simple they may be. We just request that the design be 100% yours, and not random pictures that you find on the web. If you are interested in submitting an image for the gallery, please contact us at namikazetoys@gmail.com.

For now, enjoy the first few gallery entries from a friend of ours. You can see more of his layouts on his own blog at http://thomastrainworld.blogspot.com

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