Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tomy PLARAIL - New Releases, January - March 2009

Our blog has started the year as quietly as Tomy's new product list. There was nothing to report being released in January and February.... but this month is HYPER GUARDIAN MARCH! Here we gooo....

Hyper Guardian Series - Transport Liner
The Trans-Liner is the newest addition to the Hyper Guardian Series - Disaster and rescue vehicles. This
is a MONSTER size train set that comes with 5-car trains, 2 PLA-kid Trans-Liner operators, 1 Purple Chaser (motorcycle looking vehicle), 1 Purple Search (search car). This liner train's engine requires 1-C battery. The 2 smaller vehicles are not battery powered, but can fit into the train's cargo cars. Tomy has yet to announce the last Hyper Guardian Series train.
Hyper Guardian Accessories
Since Tomy released a Transport-Liner, we consider these next few vehicles accessories to the Trans-Liner above. These small vehicles are hand operated, much like Lego or Hotwheels.

HGV-01 Blue Chaser
This little 2-wheeled vehicle looks like the blue version of the Purple Chaser above. It also comes with one PLA-kid but no track. As a single vehicle it takes up only one groove in a PLA-Rail track however, it can be connected to another one groove vehicle to create a 4-wheeled vehicle.

HGV-02 Yellow Mover
Yellow mover is another 2-wheeled vehicle that comes from the construction Drill Liner Hyper Guardian Series. It also comes with one PLA-kid but no track. Yellow mover can be connected to another Yellow Mover, or other single groove riding Hyper Guardian accessory, like Blue Chaser.

HGV-03 Red Search
Red Search is a 4-wheeled vehicle that comes from the Fire Liner Hyper Guardian Series. This little car comes with one PLA-kid and no track. Red Search has a train connector ring, meaning it can be in tow or appear to be towing the Fire Liner at the front.

HGV-04 White Saver
This 4-wheeled ambulance is not officially affiliated to a Hyper Guardian series, but is in line with the Search and Rescue theme. It too comes with one PLA-kid and no track. The back of the ambulance can be opened to hold an injured PLA-kid or more emergency personnel.

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